What’s Eating My Plants?
Identifying Common Garden Pests It’s frustrating when your plants show signs of infestation by pests. Nibbled leaves, tracks cut into stalks, winding tracks of brown, glimpses of the pests themselves — it all adds up […]
Natural Pest Control: 5 Herbs to Keep Bugs Away
For many, organic gardens bring a feeling of happiness and accomplishment as harvest nears. Few things can be as disappointing as watching your pride and joy become a buffet for pesky bugs. Before your frustrations […]
Organic Gardening For Beginners
How to Grow Organic for Beginners While eating organic is healthy for you and your family, it can get expensive to buy organically raised fruits and vegetables at the market. Have you ever considered starting […]
Summer Watering 101: Tips for Your Organic Vegetable Garden
Keeping your garden green and healthy during the dry summer months can be challenging. You need to ensure that your plants get enough moisture to thrive, yet over watering can encourage pests, cause water waste, […]
Common Garden Pests
Aphids These small, soft-bodied insects are pear-shaped, measuring 1/16” to 1/4” long. There are approximately 4,000 aphid species worldwide, ranging in colors from green, yellow, brown, red or black. Adult aphids are typically wingless, but […]
Summer Garden Checklist
Keep your organic garden looking lush and vibrant through the summer months with the EARTH’S ALLY Summer Garden Checklist. Watering To prevent plants from wilting in the summer, they need quality soil and water. Most […]