
Winter Succulents
Houseplant Care

How to Care for Succulents in Winter

Succulents Need Attention as Cooler Months Approach Succulents are hugely popular, both as houseplants and in the garden. Along with their striking visual appeal, succulents are highly drought-tolerant and don’t need to be watered as

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natural orchid care
Disease Control

How To Care For Orchids For Beginners

Growing Orchids May Be Easier Than You Think The word “orchid” evokes beauty and exoticism. Whether you received one as a gift or are eyeing an orchid for your home décor, these delicate and highly

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Growing Indoor Herbs
Gardening Basics

Start an Indoor Herb Garden

Spice Up Your Kitchen Growing an indoor herb garden can be very rewarding, providing a welcome splash of greenery during the long, gray winter months. When you’re growing herbs in pots on your kitchen windowsill,

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drying herbs and flowers
Gardening Basics

Drying Herbs and Flowers at Home

Infuse Your Garden Flavors in Cooking and Teas Drying herbs, flowers and foliage from your garden is a great way to preserve and extend the life of your harvest, long after the growing season is

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get rid of crabgrass
Weed & Grass Killer

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass

What Is Crabgrass?  Crabgrass is one of the most tenacious weeds that a gardener has to contend with. Crabgrass control can feel like a running battle; with the right approach, though, you can get the

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Gardening Basics

What’s Eating My Plants?

Identifying Common Garden Pests It’s frustrating when your plants show signs of infestation by pests. Nibbled leaves, tracks cut into stalks, winding tracks of brown, glimpses of the pests themselves — it all adds up

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natural weed killer for organic plants
Gardening Basics

Organic Gardening For Beginners

How to Grow Organic for Beginners While eating organic is healthy for you and your family, it can get expensive to buy organically raised fruits and vegetables at the market. Have you ever considered starting

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common weeds
Weed & Grass Killer

Identify Common Weeds in Your Garden

Recognize Common Weeds ‘There’s no such thing as a weed.’ While this organic gardening maxim holds a grain of truth, the fact is that any gardener will sometimes have to deal with plants that have

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