Pet Safe Weed Killer

Written By Angelo Randaci, Earth’s Ally® Horticulturist

A Better Alternative to Harsh Synthetic Chemicals

From menacing crabgrass to the eyesore of dandelion weeds, nothing is more frustrating than watching garden weeds flourish in the Spring. In an organic garden, weeds rob nearby plants of water and nutrients while attracting pests. In high-traffic areas like sidewalks, driveways and patios, weed overgrowth quickly makes a property look unkept.

Many homeowners seek a quick fix to tame their frustrations and annihilate weeds. For too long, we’ve been sold the idea that we must use harsh synthetic chemicals to kill weeds and control pests. Look no further than product labels to learn about the hazards and impact chemical pesticides have on the environment. These solutions all come at a cost.

Our four-legged companions can be particularly susceptible. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, if certain chemical herbicides have not had the proper time to dry or leave behind a residue, dogs can be at risk.  

Born in Our Owner’s Backyard

While searching for a worry-free weed killer to use around his family’s beloved dogs, our founder saw an opportunity. Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer is formulated without harsh synthetic chemical ingredients. Our weed control spray is powered by food-grade sea salt and contains only ingredients generally recognized as safe by the EPA.

Our team is proud to manufacture safe, effective and responsible products– and deliver the lab results to prove it. We refined the science of acetic acid and sea salt, fine-tuning the proportions of each ingredient to make a truly effective natural weed killer.

Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer has been rigorously tested for performance. In independent lab testing, even tenacious dandelion roots were 100% dead after just 30 days. 

Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer is available in Ready-to-Use and Concentrate. 

Earth's Ally Application Tips

When switching from a synthetic chemical to a natural product, you will need to apply more. The formulas work differently. We recommend incorporating the mantra, “Sunshine, Shake & Saturate” for optimum success. With these tips, after two or three days, you will notice weeds are completely brown and dead.

  • Sunshine – Apply Earth’s Ally on a dry, sunny day. Sunlight works with the vinegar to brown weeds in about 3 hours.   
  • Shake – Shake the product well before use to get the soap mixed in.
  • Saturate – Fully saturate the weeds you want to eliminate, including the base of the weed so sea salt can make its way to the root.

Pet Safe Weed Killer Tips

In areas where pets are active, consider these additional tips to keep pets safe:

  1. Pull weeds by hand when possible
  2. Mulch for prevention
  3. Read and understand herbicide labels
  4. Use natural methods like salt, vinegar or soap  
  5. Always allow products to dry completely before allowing pets to enter the area

We’d love to hear how Earth’s Ally is helping you tackle tough weeds. Share your pet photos and stay connected with the #EarthsAlly community on FacebookInstagram and Twitter for access to our latest blog posts, giveaways and exclusive promotions.

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