Cultivating Outstanding Wildflowers in Your Garden
A number of wildflowers include the word “weed” in their common name: Joe-pye weed, butterfly weed, and ironweed to name a few. While the…
32 Ways to Promote Water Conservation in Your Garden
There are a number of different strategies we can employ to promote water conservation in our gardens starting with an understanding of…
The Light of a Moon Garden
They take new shapes, new colors, and new forms. Whether entertaining or spending a quiet moment, a moon garden offer a glimpse into…
The Mystery of Enchanted Gardens
Long ago, enchanted gardens were spoken of as places where magic happened. These stories always entailed some type of coming of age or…
Top 10 Tips to Kill and Prevent Weeds
Weeds are an inevitable nuisance for gardeners and homeowners alike. Thankfully, you can kill and prevent weeds by following these steps…
Expert Tips for Using Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate
Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer Concentrate is a non-selective herbicide that effectively kills many common unwanted weeds including…