
Weed & Grass Killer

  • Non-selective herbicide
  • No harsh synthetic chemicals
  • Kills to the root
  • Visible results in 3 hours
  • FIFRA 25(b) formula
  • For organic gardening
  • No REI required
  • No pesticide license required


In independent testing, grasses and tenacious dandelion roots were 100% dead

  • Proven to kill common broadleaf weeds to the root after 30 days, 1 application
  • Delivers visible results in as little as 3 hours
  • Tested to EPA standard and proven non-toxic to bees


Looking for the concentrate? Shop Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer Powder Concentrate here.

Powerful, planet-friendly results for landscapers



Important shipping requirements 

When placing bulk orders, a member of the Earth’s Ally logistics team will contact you to coordinate freight shipping. Pallets and totes arrive via freight and a forklift must be available for receiving. View the labels and SDS information here.

About Earth’s Ally

Earth’s Ally is manufactured by Sarasota Green Group and proudly made in the USA. We are committed to manufacturing formulas that are safe, effective and responsible. Earth’s Ally offers a complete lineup of bee safe gardening products, including Weed & Grass Killer, 3-in-1 Plant Spray, Insect Control and Disease Control formulas that are both effective and safe for people, pets and the planet when used as directed. You can find Earth’s Ally on Amazon and in Lowe’s stores nationwide.

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  1. It’s nice to know that I am not breathing toxic fumes while I am spraying this product. Or that if I get it on my skin it’s not really bad as it will not hurt your skin. I know the very popular weed killer doesn’t want it advertised as it’s in competition with them but knowing that it’s so much safer to use and does the job very well, I wish more people knew about it. Several months ago when I went to purchase it, the employees had to get a ladder and climb way up to storage shelving where it was hidden. Today it was on the shelf with other weed killers. I am sure if more people knew about it, it would be very popular.

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  2. A weed killer that contains no harsh chemicals that could harm you or the environment? Skeptical as I was I decided to give it a try on some of my persistent weed areas and I was delightfully surprised! My weeds withered and died in just a few days! Says it contains primarily salt and soap which is enough to kill the heartiest weeds! I used it on the cracks in my driveway and on my deck. Worked great!

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  3. I live in south Florida. Weeds in my yard are a constant problem, and the weeds down here are very resistant to weed killers. This one works on some, not on others. This product will kill soft stem weeds and grasses. However, most weeds down here are hard stem and are not going to be affected by this product. I would recommend this to homeowners in the northern areas. As you can see by my pictures, there are some weeds that have had absolutely no adverse affects and others that it killed quickly.

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  4. After doing some research on Eco-friendly weed killer options I decided to try this Earth’s ally sea salt-based weed killer and it actually worked really well with one application.

    I applied it on a sunny day but it was only about 70 degrees and it killed everything within 2 days.

    So far I haven’t seen any regrowth, It even killed dandilions and grass which is a big upside.

    It makes me feel good that this product isn’t horrible for the enviorment.

    Overall I am very happy, I highly recommend this product.

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  5. I’m generally skeptical about environmentally friendly products in regards to their working as well as their more dangerous counterparts. My trial run with this weed killer left me pleasantly surprised. While the instructions indicate multiple applications may be required, I applied it to two different types of vegetation with great results after just one. I wanted a product with which I could feel comfortable using in the yard where our dog and two cats have free run. This product fits that requirement.

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