Earth’s Ally Weed & Grass Killer is a non-selective, ready-to-use herbicide. Powered by sea salt, it quickly kills common weeds to the root and offers a safer alternative to harsh chemicals when used as directed. Earth’s Ally kills common weeds, including broadleaf, crabgrass, dandelion, clover, ivy, chickweed and many more. When used as directed, Earth’s Ally delivers visible results in 3 hours and has been proven to kill weeds to the root, so you won’t end up treating the same weed repeatedly.

For best results, use Earth’s Ally on a dry, sunny day. Shake the bottle to thoroughly mix the ingredients and saturate the weeds you want to eliminate using the stream setting, not mist. Apply generously to both the leaves and base of the weed so the sea salt makes its way to the root. Do not use during rainfall or when weeds are wet. Avoid overspray on desirable plants.
Got dandelions? Oh my gosh, this product is for you! Our lawn is filled with dandelions and we have been very frustrated trying to get rid of them without destroying the grass. Yes, this product is a grass killer too but I have found that with the 2 patterns on the spray nozzle (wide and narrow), you can get enough precision to spray just the dandelion or other weeds and not kill the surrounding grass. Within 3 days after spraying dandelions, they were completely dead. I have tried this on another yard weed that looks sort of like cabbage grass (not sure of what kind of weed) and this product is effective on that weed too just not as fast as the dandelion.The label says it will kill “all common weeds including broadleaf, crabgrass. dandelion, clover, ivy chickweed and many more”. An extra bonus beyond being effective is that this product is safe for people, pets and the planet—Whahoo!!!!
Fighting weeds is a never-ending battle in the spring and summer, and this year was no exception. I have an agriculture pesticide license, so I have a choice of many commercial weed and grass killers. However, the area I needed control are under my beehives and I am very careful in what I use. I welcomed the opportunity to try Earth’s Ally Weed and Grass Killer.
I spoke with the manufacturer about my concerns of the possible danger to animals, and they assured me that this contains only all-natural products (great people to talk with by the way!). Sea Salt seems to be the ingredient that kills plants, an old tried and true remedy.
After a few days I checked the effectiveness of the weed killer and was happy with the results. While products such as Glyphosate (Round-Up), Dicamba (Spectricide), and 2-4,D may have achieved a higher kill rate, they are very hazardous around bees and pets. I saw an 80 to 90 % kill rate of weeds and that was good enough for me.
Most importantly, there were absolutely no ill effects on the four beehives. This is a product I will be buying more of to use in our vegetable garden.
After buying an older home with decaying shrubs in the front yard, we decided that tropical-gold canna lilies would look good there. In Florida, it’s a challenge to grow flowering plants because of the sandy/seashell-filled soil that quickly spawns a variety of weeds. Using Earth’s Ally ready-to-use spray liquid on a hot sunny day, the dollar-weed, common purslane, and bracken fern weeds began to die in just a few hours leaving only the pine-bark mulch showing among our green/white striped canna lily plants. Great product!
Within 30 minutes of spraying, I was already seeing the results.
A weed killer that contains no harsh chemicals that could harm you or the environment? Skeptical as I was I decided to give it a try on some of my persistent weed areas and I was delightfully surprised! My weeds withered and died in just a few days! Says it contains primarily salt and soap which is enough to kill the heartiest weeds! I used it on the cracks in my driveway and on my deck. Worked great!